
Inherits ItemBase


A BezierCurve is the class used for beziers, ellipses and rectangles. See detailed description….


Detailed Description

Almost all functionalities available to the user have been made available to the Python API, although in practise making a shape just by calling functions might be tedious due to the potential huge number of control points and keyframes. You can use the Natron Group node’s export functionality to generate automatically a script from a Roto node within that group.

A Bezier initially is in an opened state, meaning it doesn’t produce a shape yet. At this stage you can then add control points using the :func`addControlPoint(x,y)<NatronEngine.BezierCurve.addControlPoint>` function. Once you’re one adding control points, call the function setCurveFinished(finished) to close the shape by connecting the last control point with the first.

Once finished, you can refine the Bezier curve by adding control points with the addControlPointOnSegment(index,t) function. You can then move and remove control points of the Bezier.

To get the position of the control points of the Bezier as well as the position of the feather points, use the functions getControlPointPosition and getFeatherPointPosition. The index passed to the function must be between 0 and getNumControlPoints -1.

The time passed to the function corresponds to a time on the timeline’s in frames. If it lands on a keyframe of the Bezier shape, then the position at that keyframe is returned, otherwise the position is sampled between the surrounding keyframes.

To get a list of all keyframes time for a Bezier call the function getKeyframes().

A Bezier curve has several parameters that the API allows you to modify:

  • opacity
  • color
  • feather distance
  • feather fall-off
  • enable state
  • overlay color
  • compositing operator

Each of them is a regular parameter that you can access to modify or query its properties. All parameters can be retrieved with their script-name with the function getParam(scriptName).

Member functions description


This enumeration represents the different blending modes of a shape. See the user interface for the different modes, or type help(NatronEngine.BezierCurve.CairoOperatorEnum) to see the different values.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.addControlPoint(x, y)
  • xfloat
  • yfloat

Adds a new control point to an opened shape (see isCurveFinished()) at coordinates (x,y). By default the feather point attached to this point will be equivalent to the control point. If the auto-keying is enabled in the user interface, then this function will set a keyframe at the timeline’s current time for this shape.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.addControlPointOnSegment(index, t)
  • tPySide.QtCore.double

Adds a new control point to a closed shape (see isCurveFinished()). The index is the index of the Bezier segment linking the control points at index and index + 1. t is a value between [0,1] indicating the distance from the control point index the new control point should be. The closer to 1 t is, the closer the new control point will be to the control point at index +1. By default the feather point attached to this point will be equivalent to the control point.

If the auto-keying is enabled in the user interface, then this function will set a keyframe at the timeline’s current time for this shape.

Return type:BooleanParam

Returns the Param controlling the enabled state of the Bezier.

Return type:ColorTuple

Returns the value of the color parameter at the given time as an [R,G,B,A] tuple. Note that alpha will always be 1.

Return type:ColorParam

Returns the Param controlling the color of the Bezier.

Return type:NatronEngine.BezierCurve.CairoOperatorEnum

Returns the blending mode for this shape. Type help(NatronEngine.BezierCurve.CairoOperatorEnum) to see the different values possible.

Return type:NatronEngine.ChoiceParam

Returns the Param controlling the blending mode of the Bezier.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.getControlPointPosition(index, time)
  • indexint
  • timefloat
Return type:


Returns a tuple with the position of the control point at the given index as well as the position of its left and right tangents.

The tuple is encoded as such:

(x,y, leftTangentX, leftTangentY, rightTangentX, rightTangentY)

The position of the left and right tangents is absolute and not relative to (x,y).

The index passed to the function must be between 0 and getNumControlPoints -1. The time passed to the function corresponds to a time on the timeline’s in frames. If it lands on a keyframe of the Bezier shape, then the position at that keyframe is returned, otherwise the position is sampled between the surrounding keyframes.

To get a list of all keyframes time for a Bezier call the function getKeyframes().

Return type:float

Returns the feather distance of this shape at the given time.

Return type:NatronEngine.DoubleParam

Returns the Param controlling the feather distance of the Bezier.

Return type:float

Returns the feather fall-off of this shape at the given time.

Return type:DoubleParam

Returns the Param controlling the color of the Bezier.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.getFeatherPointPosition(index, time)
  • indexint
  • timefloat
Return type:


Returns a tuple with the position of the feather point at the given index as well as the position of its left and right tangents.

The tuple is encoded as such:

(x,y, leftTangentX, leftTangentY, rightTangentX, rightTangentY)

The position of the left and right tangents is absolute and not relative to (x,y).

The index passed to the function must be between 0 and getNumControlPoints -1. The time passed to the function corresponds to a time on the timeline’s in frames. If it lands on a keyframe of the Bezier shape, then the position at that keyframe is returned, otherwise the position is sampled between the surrounding keyframes.

To get a list of all keyframes time for a Bezier call the function getKeyframes().

Return type:bool

Returns whether the curve is enabled or not at the given time. When not activated the curve will not be rendered at all in the image.

Return type:PyList

Returns a list of all keyframes set on the Bezier animation.

Return type:int

Returns the number of control points for this shape.

Return type:float

Returns the opacity of the curve at the given time.

Return type:DoubleParam

Returns the Param controlling the opacity of the Bezier.

Return type:ColorTuple

Returns the overlay color of this shape as a [R,G,B,A] tuple. Alpha will always be 1.

Return type:bool

Returns whether the curve is finished or not. A finished curve will have a Bezier segment between the last control point and the first control point and the Bezier will be rendered in the image.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.moveFeatherByIndex(index, time, dx, dy)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • dxfloat
  • dyfloat

Moves the feather point at the given index (zero-based) by the given delta (dx,dy). The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.moveLeftBezierPoint(index, time, dx, dy)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • dxfloat
  • dyfloat

Moves the left Bezier point of the control point at the given index by the given delta. The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.movePointByIndex(index, time, dx, dy)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • dxfloat
  • dyfloat

Moves the point at the given index (zero-based) by the given delta (dx,dy). The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.moveRightBezierPoint(index, time, dx, dy)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • dxfloat
  • dyfloat

Moves the right Bezier point at the given index (zero-based) by the given delta (dx,dy). The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.


Removes the control point at the given index (zero-based).

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setActivated(time, activated)
  • timeint
  • activatedbool

Set a new keyframe for the activated parameter at the given time

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setColor(time, r, g, b)
  • timeint
  • rfloat
  • gfloat
  • bfloat

Set a new keyframe for the color parameter at the given time


Set the compositing operator for this shape.


Set whether the curve should be finished or not. See isCurveFinished()

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setFeatherDistance(dist, time)
  • distfloat
  • timeint

Set a new keyframe for the feather distance parameter at the given time

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setFeatherFallOff(falloff, time)
  • fallofffloat
  • timeint

Set a new keyframe for the feather fall-off parameter at the given time

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setFeatherPointAtIndex(index, time, x, y, lx, ly, rx, ry)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • xfloat
  • yfloat
  • lxfloat
  • lyfloat
  • rxfloat
  • ryfloat

Set the feather point at the given index at the position (x,y) with the left Bezier point at (lx,ly) and right Bezier point at (rx,ry).

The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setOpacity(opacity, time)
  • opacityfloat
  • timeint

Set a new keyframe for the opacity parameter at the given time

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setOverlayColor(r, g, b)
  • rfloat
  • gfloat
  • bfloat

Set the overlay color of this shape

NatronEngine.BezierCurve.setPointAtIndex(index, time, x, y, lx, ly, rx, ry)
  • indexint
  • timeint
  • xfloat
  • yfloat
  • lxfloat
  • lyfloat
  • rxfloat
  • ryfloat

Set the point at the given index at the position (x,y) with the left Bezier point at (lx,ly) and right Bezier point at (rx,ry).

The time parameter is given so that if auto-keying is enabled a new keyframe will be set.