SeNoise node

This documentation is for version 1.0 of SeNoise.


Generate noise.


Input Description Optional
Source   Yes
Mask   Yes


Parameter / script name Type Default Function
Replace / replace Boolean Off Clear the selected channel(s) before drawing into them.
Noise Size / noiseSize Double x: 350 y: 350 Size of noise in pixels, corresponding to its lowest frequency.
Z0 / noiseZ Double 0 Z coordinate on the noise at frame=0. The noise pattern is different for every integer value of Z, so this can be used as a random seed.
Z Slope / noiseZSlope Double 0 Z is computed as Z = Z0 + frame * Z_slope. 0 means a constant noise, 1 means a different noise pattern at every frame.
Noise Type / noiseType Choice FBM
Kind of noise.
Cell Noise (cell): Cell noise generates a field of constant colored cubes based on the integer location. This is the same as the prman cellnoise function. You may want to set xRotate and yRotate to 0 in the Transform tab to get square cells.
Noise (noise): Noise is a random function that smoothly blends between samples at integer locations. This is Ken Perlin’s original noise function.
FBM (fbm): FBM (Fractal Brownian Motion) is a multi-frequency noise function. The base frequency is the same as the “Noise” function. The total number of frequencies is controlled by octaves. The lacunarity is the spacing between the frequencies - a value of 2 means each octave is twice the previous frequency. The gain controls how much each frequency is scaled relative to the previous frequency.
Turbulence (turbulence): turbulence is a variant of fbm where the absolute value of each noise term is taken. This gives a more billowy appearance.
Voronoi (voronoi): Voronoi is a cellular noise pattern. It is a jittered variant of cellnoise. The type parameter describes different variants of the noise function. The jitter param controls how irregular the pattern is (jitter = 0 is like ordinary cellnoise). The fbm* params can be used to distort the noise field. When fbmScale is zero (the default), there is no distortion. The remaining params are the same as for the fbm function. NOTE: This does not necessarily return [0,1] value, because it can return arbitrary distance.
Voronoi Type / voronoiType Choice Cell
Different variants of the Voronoi noise function.
Cell (cell)
Type 2 (type2)
Type 3 (type3)
Type 4 (type4)
Type 5 (type5)
Jitter / jitter Double 0.5 The jitter param controls how irregular the pattern is (jitter = 0 is like ordinary cellnoise).
FBM Scale / fbmScale Double 0 The fbm* params can be used to distort the noise field. When fbmScale is zero (the default), there is no distortion.
Octaves / fbmOctaves Integer 6 The total number of frequencies is controlled by octaves.
Lacunarity / fbmLacunarity Double 2 The lacunarity is the spacing between the frequencies - a value of 2 means each octave is twice the previous frequency.
Gain / fbmGain Double 0.5 The gain controls how much each frequency is scaled relative to the previous frequency.
Translate / transformTranslate Double x: 0 y: 0 Translation along the x and y axes in pixels. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the center handle in the Viewer.
Rotate / transformRotate Double 0 Rotation angle in degrees around the Center. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the rotation bar in the Viewer.
Scale / transformScale Double x: 1 y: 1 Scale factor along the x and y axes. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the outer circle or the diameter handles in the Viewer.
Uniform / transformScaleUniform Boolean Off Use the X scale for both directions
Skew X / transformSkewX Double 0 Skew along the x axis. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the skew bar in the Viewer.
Skew Y / transformSkewY Double 0 Skew along the y axis.
Skew Order / transformSkewOrder Choice XY
The order in which skew transforms are applied: X then Y, or Y then X.
Amount / transformAmount Double 1 Amount of transform to apply. 0 means the transform is identity, 1 means to apply the full transform.
Center / transformCenter Double x: 0.5 y: 0.5 Center of rotation and scale.
Reset Center / transformResetCenter Button   Reset the position of the center to the center of the input region of definition
Interactive Update / transformInteractive Boolean On If checked, update the parameter values during interaction with the image viewer, else update the values when pen is released.
X Rotate / XRotate Double 27 Rotation about the X axis in the 3D noise space (X,Y,Z). Noise artifacts may appear if it is 0 or a multiple of 90.
Y Rotate / YRotate Double 37 Rotation about the Y axis in the 3D noise space (X,Y,Z). Noise artifacts may appear if it is 0 or a multiple of 90.
Ramp Type / rampType Choice None
The type of interpolation used to generate the ramp
Linear (linear): Linear ramp.
PLinear (plinear): Perceptually linear ramp in Rec.709.
Ease-in (easein): Catmull-Rom spline, smooth start, linear end (a.k.a. smooth0).
Ease-out (easeout): Catmull-Rom spline, linear start, smooth end (a.k.a. smooth1).
Smooth (smooth): Traditional smoothstep ramp.
None (none): No color gradient.
Point 0 / rampPoint0 Double x: 100 y: 100  
Color 0 / rampColor0 Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 0 a: 0  
Point 1 / rampPoint1 Double x: 100 y: 200  
Color 1 / rampColor1 Color r: 1 g: 1 b: 1 a: 1  
Interactive Update / rampInteractive Boolean Off If checked, update the parameter values during interaction with the image viewer, else update the values when pen is released.
Invert Mask / maskInvert Boolean Off When checked, the effect is fully applied where the mask is 0.
Mix / mix Double 1 Mix factor between the original and the transformed image.