VectorToColor node


This documentation is for version 1.0 of VectorToColor.


Convert x and y vector components to a color representation.

H (hue) gives the direction, S (saturation) is set to the amplitude/norm, and V is 1.The role of S and V can be switched.Output can be RGB or HSV, with H in degrees.


Input Description Optional
Source   No


Parameter / script name Type Default Function
X channel / xChannel Choice r
Selects the X component of vectors
r: R channel from input.
g: G channel from input.
b: B channel from input.
a: A channel from input.
Y channel / yChannel Choice g
Selects the Y component of vectors
r: R channel from input.
g: G channel from input.
b: B channel from input.
a: A channel from input.
Opposite / opposite Boolean Off If checked, opposite of X and Y are used.
Inverse Y / inverseY Boolean On If checked, opposite of Y is used (on by default, because most optical flow results are shown using a downward Y axis).
Modulate V / modulateV Boolean Off If checked, modulate V using the vector amplitude, instead of S.
HSV Output / hsvOutput Boolean Off If checked, output is in the HSV color model.